So I have never been a huge coffee drinker but I am
definitely one who really enjoys my 1-2 cups of really yummy coffee each morning and once in a while a cup here or there throughout the day. So, now that I am a mommy one of my jobs is to
provide nourishment for my little angel. So, I have been nursing her since she was born and plan to continue until she is at least 1 year old, however there has been quite a list of things that I have had to give up eating and drinking because she has a very sensitive tummy. One of those things guessed delicious coffee. I thought in the beginning it might be the caffeine but decaf didn't work either. Anytime I would drink it she would spend the rest of the day spitting up. Which is not to fun for anyone involved. So bye bye went my coffee. I have tried it here and there throughout these past 8 1/2 months and still no luck. Until......Sunday when I tried again. The funny part was I didn't even realize till the end of the day she hadn't spit up so I have continued to try for the last 4 days and so far so good. I am just about convinced that I can now
thoroughly enjoy my coffee again. And the best part is the
caffeine doesn't seem to have any affect on her!!! YEAH!! You have
noooooooo idea how excited this makes me. I would do anything for that little girl and so far I have but it is awesome when I can enjoy some little treats for me too. I'm sorry Kirsten I'm sure this doesn't make you very happy but hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I certainly have put my time in as well!!!! <3