Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jumping jumping jumping

Coloring with Aunt Meg

Learning to use a fork and spoon

Outside fun!!

The older kids were tracing each other with chalk on the driveway so of course Penny joined in on the fun only she wouldn't quite stay still long enough to fully trace her but it was close enough.

She is also learning to share, however she continues to take the bucket of chalk and run off with it so that the other kids have to run after her and quickly grab a piece when they need it.

My Piggytails are getting bigger!!

Penny's First time on a swing!!!

She had sooooooo much fun!!

Valentine's Day

Daddy and Penny surprised Mommy the day before Valentine's Day with some beautiful flowers, a box of her favorite Reeses peanut butter cups, and then on Valentine's Day her had a card from him and from Penny. Also Penny made Daddy a card and I made Danny a huge heart shaped chocolate chip cookie.

Snuggles and Storytime with Aunt Kirsten

Valentine's Boutique Outfit

Video games with Uncle Jay

She already LOVES shoes!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Penny just LOVES books!!


For some reason she has started calling her Uncle Scott "Gaga". And she gets so excited when he comes home!!

Outside on a Sunny Day!!

Penny and her stroller

She always makes sure she has the important things in her stroller and then she pushes them around the house.

We're Baaack!!!

I'm so sorry we haven't updated in sooooo long, life just gets away from me. However I have been keeping track with pics so I will do my best to bring things up to date.