Saturday, August 14, 2010

Update on Penny's hips

Penny had her 3 month brace checkup with the pediatric orthopedic surgeon last week and we got great news. She had another set of X-rays taken and there was a physical exam as well and the Dr. said that she is doing wonderful. At this point her hip sockets are measuring perfect size and development now for her age group. So all of that brace wearing has really paid off. She also said that at this point she doesn't HAVE to wear her brace anymore, however obviously she can not guarantee that she won't need to wear it later on for maintenance. So then of course my question was since she is already used to it should I just continue to put it on her at night for bed? The Dr. said that definitely would help if its not a problem so she still does wear it, it doesn't have to be the full 12 hours and once in a while I let her take a night off, but the funny part it is that it actually kind of helps in getting her to sleep at night because she has not yet figured out how to stand up in it so she doesn't try to play in bed as much instead of letting herself go off to sleep!! hehe It's Mommy's secret weapon lol. But at any rate we were sooooooo excited to hear that news considering the Dr. originally said she definitely would have to wear it until she was at least 2 and then we would decide from there!!!! YEAH!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Penny is sleeping thru the night!!

Yes you heard me right, Penny is starting to sleep thru the night!!! Yeah!!! For the last week she has only woken up 1 time each night and Saturday night and Monday night she slept from 9pm straight thru until 6am!!! For her that is huge because she has been consistently getting up every 2 to 3 hours for months now!! Mommy is starting to feel a little more human like now that I am getting a little more sleep!!

Penny Proofing!!

That used to be our dinning room lol. Now we have tray tables instead of a dinner table because Penny needs a place to play and that space is perfect!!

Daddy putting up a gate at the top of the stairs!!

Perfect, now we can keep track of Daddy at all times lol.

Lovin' on my baby!!

Giving baby kisses!!