Friday, August 13, 2010

10 months old and eating GUACAMOLE!!

SHE LOVED IT!!!! I started with guacamole and when that was gone then she ate plain avocado!! So healthy for her I'm glad she liked it!!


  1. hahaha! That is so awesome! That was Bailey's 1st baby food! :) Go Penny!!!!!!

  2. P.S. I am not sure what your plans are for her bday cake, but I had planned on making Bailey's first cake myself...because I wanted it to be healthy, but still new to her...we ended up at the time of the party getting any little cake (completely unhealthy! lol) that we could find, but you might want to look up some kind of carrot cake base with avocado frosting (sounds weird, but it really does exist) because of the dairy issues! But either way it'll be a great party and time celebrating Penny that day healthy cake, sugary cake or whatever you choose! lol ;)

  3. Love how you're starting her off healthy! Go Jugee!
