I got a new sewing table because I decided to try sewing again. The best part about this sewing table is that it folds down pretty small so it fits nicely in our living room and I can sew while Penny is asleep!!! I just need to make a cover for it and then you won't even notice what it is. I thought it would be fun, now that Penny is so aware of things, to make sure to decorate for each holiday or season. So I have been making valances ,pillows, and a lamp shade cover to change out our house decor for each holiday and season. Penny LOVES them. She always notices right away and she points and laughs and gets really excited about the pumpkins right now. I also finally got around to making her a bow board to hold all of her bows that I have made because they don't all fit on her original bow holder that my friend Deanna made for her. And I decided to add a ribbon on the bottom of the bow board to hold all of her nummy (pacifier) clips!! I also made Penny a candy corn skirt!!
Penny has decided that she loves to play with Mamows dogs. She walks around with them saying "dog dog" and patting her chest with both hands and smacking her lips together like she is calling them!! She follows them around which is great for them and her because they are now very comfortable around her and she is learning to be gentle with them. She also loves to pet them and close them in their cages. Lol
Penny LOVES books right now. Although she still puts them in her mouth and chews on them at times she wants her books all the time. She will bring books to us often and she will sit in our lap and she wants us to read to her.
Kirsten had an appointment she needed to go to and she asked me to watch Taylor (Bailey was at preschool) so it was a wonderful opportunity for Penny and Taylor to have a play date!!! By the end Penny was saying "Tay Tay"!! They played awesome together!!
Brand New!!! 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months 1 year old She has changed so much from a little helpless creature to a walking, talking, little person. The last year has obviously been one of the biggest with the most changes in our lives and definetly the most exhausting but we would not trade it for the world. We have grown so much as individuals and as a family. Wow it all goes so fast!!! We have to remind ourselves to really cherish and enjoy each day because things change so quickly and it is so easy to get caught up in just living life and getting thru each day. Thank you God for sending us this beautiful angel and for bringing Danny and I together.