Saturday, October 23, 2010

I have been sewing and crafting!!

I got a new sewing table because I decided to try sewing again. The best part about this sewing table is that it folds down pretty small so it fits nicely in our living room and I can sew while Penny is asleep!!! I just need to make a cover for it and then you won't even notice what it is. I thought it would be fun, now that Penny is so aware of things, to make sure to decorate for each holiday or season. So I have been making valances ,pillows, and a lamp shade cover to change out our house decor for each holiday and season. Penny LOVES them. She always notices right away and she points and laughs and gets really excited about the pumpkins right now. I also finally got around to making her a bow board to hold all of her bows that I have made because they don't all fit on her original bow holder that my friend Deanna made for her. And I decided to add a ribbon on the bottom of the bow board to hold all of her nummy (pacifier) clips!! I also made Penny a candy corn skirt!!


  1. I love this!!! You are SO CUTE and CREATIVE!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! You're so adorably creative! I love every bit of it!
