Monday, July 26, 2010

A Penny Update!!

I just wanted to share a few of the things that Penny has started doing recently in the last week. She now fully pulls herself up and cruises along the furniture. She blows kisses goodbye. She claps with both hands open. She now has 7 teeth, 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom. She is sampling different veggies. She dances. She mimics snapping. She tries to say "fish" and it comes out as "ish". She is definitely trying to communicate. At times when asked where someone or something is she will look in the direction of it. And I am starting to try to teach her some sign language. These days it seems like she is doing something new daily!!

Fancy Dancing!!!

Penny got a new highchair!!

And she loves munching on her veggie stix!!

Daddy and Penny Gardening

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Oh how I love those piggies!!

Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Last night Danny and I celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. It was so nice to spend some time together just the two of us. He planned for us to go out to dinner at the Claim Jumper (where we of course ordered and ate way tooooo much food so we brought some home also) and then we went for a nice romantic walk on the beach in Huntington Beach, and then we stopped for some coffee at the end. It really was soo nice to spend time together and reconnect. It is sooo easy to get caught up in our busy everyday lives and we kind of forget how important it is that we make time for each other and our relationship. It's hard to remember that although it is important to be devoted to our daughter and our family if Danny and I don't stay connected everything will fall apart. I sure do love my Hubby!!!

I love my Singing/Glowing Seahorse!!

And so the pulling up on things and people begins!!!

Teething Cookies

So in my new quest of introducing food to Penny I thought it might be good to just give her things that she can hold and chew on and explore with. However I still want to keep things healthy and I don't want to introduce high allergy foods or sugars yet. So I looked into the teething biscuits/cookies that the stores have to offer and not only do they all have some type of sugar or sweetener in them but they are also made with whey powder with is a milk derivative and at this point Penny still can't even tolerate me eating things with that in it an nursing her. So I did some Internet research and found some great recipes to make my own. With only a few ingredients: flour, baby rice cereal, veg. oil, and Mommy's delicious milk, I created some great healthy little teething cookies for our angel. She thought it was pretty cool to chew on them although she still didn't know what to do with any pieces she got off hahhaah!! I guess she will figure it out eventually!!

2nd Solid Food Attempt

So I made another attempt with solid food for Penny, and this time it went a little better. I put a piece of acorn squash in one of those little food holders with the mesh bag so they can chew on it and kind of suck the food thru it and it mashes and strains it so that they can't get any big chunks. She definitely got a kick out of that.

Beatin' the Heat!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A gift from the heart!!

We are celebrating our Anniversary on Saturday because Danny has to work tonight but we did do a little gift exchange today. I got Danny the traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift which is leather so he got a new belt and a nice card. He gave me a beautiful card and a true gift from the heart, my favorite Taco Surf chips and salsa. And of course we wasted no time digging in!! He sure does know how to sweep a girl off her feet!! At least this girl anyway!!!

Today is our 3rd Wedding Anniversary!!

Here is a little look back at that beautiful day when we said "I Do".

Danny, Because you are the treasure of my heart,
It will be my joy to support, encourage, comfort, and defend you
With kindness, faithfulness, and respect
As we together face the coming days of sorrow and joy,
Sickness and health, poverty and wealth.

When I have been wronged, I will forgive.
When I do wrong, I will confess with contrition.
When conflict dims our days,
I will exercise the patience of true love
And seek the light of wise counsel.

Most of all, I will rejoice and thank the Lord
For bestowing upon me, the gift of you.
And through His infinite grace,
I know that no matter what may come,
I will remain by your side with enduring devotion and fidelity
For as long as He allows us to share this earthly life.

This is my solemn vow because,
In you, I have found my best friend and my soul mate.

Never above you, never below you, always beside you!!

Penny's first solid foods!!

Well I took Penny for her 9 month check up yesterday and the Dr. said she looks great and she is definitely thriving. She suggested that we start trying to give Penny some table food even if it is just some veggies here and there to help her develop her mouth and tongue movements. So, I tried acorn squash first and she gagged and ended up throwing it up (no good!) and then I tried some rice cereal and she gagged repeatedly on that. :( So, I guess is will take some getting used to considering up until now she hasn't had to swallow anything except breast milk. But I'm sure she will get the hang of it. I will keep trying!!

Danny has a green thumb!!

Danny has started a little herb/vegetable garden for us on our back patio. He has planted tomatoes, peppers, oregano, and his favorite, pumpkins!!! He even made a homemade Topsy turvie with a temporary stand for his tomato plants that are growing very quickly. It is so fun to watch him tend to the plants and get excited to see them grow!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pennys 4th of July Outfit

Ok so I know that I mentioned a little bit in other posts about Pennys outfit on the 4th of July that my mom made but it was really hard to get a good pic of her in the outfit so I had to post some pics of the outfit its self because it was sooo cute and intricate. There were many pieces and they all matched (of course). There was a hat, a top that criss crossed in the back, capris, a matching diaper cover in case we had to change because of a disaster on the first bottoms and a nummy holder. Mamow did an awesome job!!!