Thursday, July 15, 2010

Penny's first solid foods!!

Well I took Penny for her 9 month check up yesterday and the Dr. said she looks great and she is definitely thriving. She suggested that we start trying to give Penny some table food even if it is just some veggies here and there to help her develop her mouth and tongue movements. So, I tried acorn squash first and she gagged and ended up throwing it up (no good!) and then I tried some rice cereal and she gagged repeatedly on that. :( So, I guess is will take some getting used to considering up until now she hasn't had to swallow anything except breast milk. But I'm sure she will get the hang of it. I will keep trying!!


  1. Try avo's! They were Bailey's first food and GREAT health wise too! :D Haha... I love the pic's! ;)

  2. If she's anything like her Auntie, she'll be lovin' food in no time ;)
