Monday, July 5, 2010

My wonderful nursing shirt

So my mom had this wonderful idea of how to make a nursing top that I could wear and easily maneuver now that Penny hates to have her head covered with a nursing cape. And the trial run just so happened to be with a top she made me for the 4th of July. Well I tried it out and I loved it so I have put in my order for more. Lol. This shirt is awesome because the top has two layers and the underneath layer has openings and the top layer is a short layer but is stays down with elastic and you can't even tell so all I have to do is lift up one side of the top layer and feed Penny right thru the opening and nobody can even see what is going on, it is amazing. I love it!!! And of course she had to make Penny a matching outfit!!

1 comment:

  1. DUDE!!!!!! That is the coolest (not to mention SUPER CUTE!) shirt EVER! How adorable! Did daddy have a matching outfit too?! ;)~
