Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

On Christmas Eve although it can be a little hectic we try to make a point of visiting our families on both sides even though we will visit them again on Christmas day. My mom still carries out the "Christmas Pajama" tradition that was started when she was a kid where each person opens a present on Christmas Eve and the present is marked "From: Sandy" and it is always pajamas. Well as we all became adults and she continued this on with us and our kids, my brother David added the little twist that we all wear our matching pajamas on Christmas Day. This has turned out to be alot of fun and I wanted us to carry on the tradition as well so Penny also opened a present from Sandy when we got home and it was pajamas for her to wear that night. So, we made a stop at my moms house and visited for a while (aunts and uncles and cousins were there as well) and of course Christmas Eve would not be complete without a personal call from Santa himself!! Then we went on to Dannys moms house and visited there for a while as well(uncles, grama, and cousins were there also). Then we went on home to get to bed because Santa needed to come and we all know that if we are awake he won't come. :)

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