Friday, December 31, 2010

She found a present!!

So a couple of weeks ago when I was taking out the Christmas decorations I came across a present that we bought last year for someone else but didn't end up seeing the person so I just packed the present away. When I found it this year I started to open it and then realized it was a doll set that Penny would love so I left it half wrapped and she was going to get it for Christmas. I had it propped up against something and she happened to knock it over and she was able to see that it was a baby and got all excited. So I quickly distracted her and set the box back up so she couldn't see it, however every once in a while when she walked past the box she would remember that there was a baby in there and she would peek at it and try to get me to give it to her hahahaha. At any rate we held out until Christmas and she was really excited when it was under the tree.

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